Isn’t He Just Adorable?

Here’s an instant pic of Peanut rockin’ a wifebeater. Isn’t he just adorable? I fall more and more deeply in love with him everyday. He’ll be 90 days old this weekend. I’m speechless. Okay, not really. Like that would EVER happen. I’m normally a pretty adventurous cook, however when it involves Turkey Day, I don’t test much.
I made that mistake once and the results were so disastrous I have blocked the facts out completely. All I recall was the horrified look on my husband’s face when he tasted the gravy and the silence that continuing for the rest of the meal. After the shock wore off and he was able to speak again, he asked if I could just do traditional Thanksgiving every year. A big part of my husband’s job is speaking with farmers from coast to coast. A great perk is that he comes home with huge amounts of free fruits & vegetables often.
When he arrived with TEN pounds of cranberries a couple weeks ago, I knew immediately what I would use part of the cranberries for–Cranberry Sauce! No, not the kind that goes sssllluuuurrrrrp as it pertains from the can and keeps the can shape, although I totally too dig that stuff. AFTER I posted to my blog a few years ago about fresh cranberries, I was surprised to observe how many people hadn’t made anything with fresh cranberries or even eaten anything made out of fresh cranberries! We had fresh cranberry sauce with this Thanksgiving meals always. I am blissfully normal. Yeah, that was a lie.
Once you see how without headaches it is, you’ll wonder why you’ve never made it before. But the real payoff shall come when you flavor it! Homemade Cranberry Sauce has a fresher and Tangier taste and a MUCH better texture than that gelatinous cranberry goop from the can! Plus, when you make your own, you control the sugar. You can make it as sweet or as tart as you want! Lots of individuals like to fancy up their cranberry sauce with pecans or oranges or crazy spices, but I am a purist.
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Well, not really, I like cranberry sauce to taste like cranberries just. I’ve made Cranberry Chutney before and that was AMAZING, but it just didn’t have the zing and bite of the usual cranberry sauce. You will find three substances to make this folks! Just how much easier can a recipe get? I’ll tell you–not much! Take a look at this stuff and inform me it doesn’t look 100 times better than the canned stuff!
Rinse and pick through your cranberries. Most bags are pretty clean, with the casual leaf or stem just. Make sure to look for mushy or soft berries. Your cranberries should be smooth and firm, just like my abs. Inside a pot with tall sides, bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat.