MBA Advisor: Banks Competing With Tech For MBA Talent
A decade ago, finance was the most popular profession choice for MBA graduates. That was prior to the 2008 fund collapse produced red slips and panic. As MBAs were carrying their belongings out of Lehman Brothers, the tech industry eclipsed banking as the seat of power in business. Now, consulting has changed banking as the most popular profession choice for MBAs according to the Graduate Management Admission Council.
And hi-tech is closing in fast. Jonathan Moules, a article writer at Financial Times, discusses this pivot towards tech in a new article. Companies, like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, are significantly pitching tech careers to MBAs at leading business institutions. At Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, Amazon was the biggest recruiter of students.
- Selling Digital Downloadable products
- After that v need to create packages
- Network administrator
- Brand knowing of ws-pure plays is much higher (Systinet, Blue Titan, AmberPoint, etc.)
- Shows that you can study successfully at university level
Last season, Poets & Quants analyzed data from TransparentCareer, the Glassdoor for MBA grads, and aggregated a rank of employers based on self-reported data from MBA grads. The info was split into three key categories: total compensation, weekly hours worked, and job satisfaction. MBA grads reported Google as the utmost desirable company to just work at.
Bill Boulding is the dean of Duke’s Fuqua School of Business. He tells Financial Times that banks should change their traditional recruiting pitch of good salaries to contend with big technology as the very best company for MBAs. “Banks still hire people but they have to up their game,” he says. One reason behind why tech is becoming so popular among MBA grads consists of pay.
Banks can no longer simply make an impression on MBA grads with good wages. Jeff McNish is the assistant dean of profession development in the admissions section of Virginia’s Darden School of Business. McNish tells Financial Times that since the financial crisis, a true number of tech firms have matched Wall Street for pay. 140,000 range,” he says.
Rob Walke is co-head of campus recruiting JPMorgan Chase. Walke tells Financial Times that the lender still actively recruits in our midst business academic institutions, however the scenery and demand for banking professions has changed. “You can will have those social people who knew from birth that they wanted to go into corporate finance, but gone are the days when we would be inundated with students who wish to get into banking,” he says. Walke says that JPMorgan has changed its recruiting pitch to target more on the quality of banking assignments rather than simply offering large salary packages.